Reality, Seen & Unseen
"...beliefs are of the limited mind, and cannot be absolute truth. Absolute truth must be seen directly, not merely believed."
It sounds like this poster is a materialist.
There is a sad dichotomy afoot in the land today. All that is considered "science" -- and therefore legally teachable in public schools -- is what can be seen, felt, tasted or touched. In other words, scientific materialism is the order of the day. Everything else is deemed "religion" and unfit for consumption by public school children.
This is unfortunate, does not comport with any reasonable definition of scientific inquiry, and cannot withstand scrutiny. Religion, and the Bible, lay claim to ALL of reality, including not only the visible world but also the invisible world. To artifically separate the two is dangerous to peoples' souls and is unscientific under any rational definition of "science."
The Bible cautions us that it is the things that are unseen that are eternal reality, while the things that are visible (and knowable to the senses) are passing away.
Shouldn't we be studying the things that are eternal, not just the things that are passing away?